Unusual Intelligence.

Hello. Hi. We don't live in your world. We are neurodivergent. ADD, ADHD, ADD, , bi-polar...and everything in between... Consider these lines from a track that defines the scope of this site...

'I'm a lonely man walking

Searching for my home

Been a thousand years

And here I am, I'm all alone

The mirror has broken

What do you see?

A million of you and a million me

The future's unspoken

Who do you see?

The one on the outside

That's not me'.

Very few people know this track. Indeed, it has only xx views on YouTube.

If this resonates at all with you then consider exploring further. If not, thanks for visiting, frankly, this community will probably annoy you. A lot. If you practice 'empathy' as a means to manipulate people, we will see you. On the other hand, if you are 'radically woke', then this site is also also not for you...

We are 'old souls'. We see all angles...without the radical shit on any spectrum. There is no right and wrong. There is only your perspective. If you don't understand this, then, this is not your space... good luck with your life! What more can I say?

The silent majority... no click bait. No 'selling you something'. A world where money is not the be all and end all of life. We want something deeper.

House - The most connected I've ever felt to...anyone.

The Emerald Buddha is a figurine of a sitting Budha, that is the is the palladium of the Kingdom of Thailand. The Buddha is made of green jade, suprisingly not of emerald, clothed in gold is approximately 45 cm tall.

Modern UI design incorporates various devices such as expanding panels, hover